HOLY MATRIMONY is a Sacrament in which one man and one woman are united into a matrimonial union, which is blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ through His Church. This blessing, which is the grace of God, is a way of supporting and guiding the newlyweds through every aspect of their life together. God adds His love to the couple’s love.
The Crowns and the Book of Gospels are set up for an Orthodox Wedding
In the Orthodox Church, the Wedding is possible only between an orthodox bride (a female) and an orthodox groom (a male).
What you need for the Orthodox Wedding
Free and unconstrained will to receive the Sacrament;
Faith of the Bride and Groom;
The Rings;
The Candles for the couple (you can bring your own or buy them at the church).
(OPTIONAL). Members of some ethnic groups bring a white or embroidered towel to stand on.
About the Bridesmaids and the Groomsmen (or/and the witnesses)
They must be old enough to sign the documents.
How The Orthodox Wedding is done
The service consists of two parts: the first part is betrothal and the second part is the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony itself.
During the Service of Betrothal, the Priest reads a few prayers of blessings and puts the rings on the fingers of the Bride and Groom. The rings are usually given to the priest before the ceremony or a ring-bearer can bring them in.
During the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, the priest reads a few prayers and leads in ceremonial ordinances, such as the Crowning of the Bride and Groom, a walk around the table with an icon in the center of the church, common cup of wine.
If the couple wants to sign legal documents, i.e. Marriage License, it is done immediately after the Sacrament of Marriage.
How long does it take to finish the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony?
The Orthodox Church Wedding can take about an hour – an hour and a half (more-less). The period depends on the Priest and the Bride and Groom with their guests. You should add to it the time for taking pictures after the ceremony.
Worth discussing with a priest
Desired time and date of the Sacrament of Marriage;
A need for a rehearsal before the actual church wedding;
Special needs (if any);
Desire to have personal vows during the service;
Ideas about the possibility of decorating the church;
Possibility of having any kind of music in the church;